From the sweet (sort of) to the very strange. Bobo, you are nothing if not unique. May you heal quickly.
Dr. Luv
Ouch! And… Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
gene's wading pool
Who’s next? Ed the Horse? Sally the Sasquatch?
Joe the Plumber? Doubtful whether the latter has much if anything to say. But the other two… more of a mine than a pot of honey.
My kingdom for a wild kingdom… maybe you could interrogate Marlin or when Jim has finished his foreplay with Gary the Gator you could take him into the bathroom stall for some toilet talk.
Actually, come to think of it, there’s probably a reality show pilot in that. Make it so, bobo!
From the sweet (sort of) to the very strange. Bobo, you are nothing if not unique. May you heal quickly.
Ouch! And… Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Who’s next? Ed the Horse? Sally the Sasquatch?
Joe the Plumber? Doubtful whether the latter has much if anything to say. But the other two… more of a mine than a pot of honey.
My kingdom for a wild kingdom… maybe you could interrogate Marlin or when Jim has finished his foreplay with Gary the Gator you could take him into the bathroom stall for some toilet talk.
Actually, come to think of it, there’s probably a reality show pilot in that. Make it so, bobo!
…further examination…